
Health and Counseling Services

Division of Student Life

Tobacco Cessation Resources

Individual support

The staff at the Health and Counseling Center can support students in taking steps toward tobacco cessation. We can help students evaluate their motivation and readiness to quit. The staff can also direct student to resources including counseling and support, or pharmacotherapy such as nicotine replacement patches or gum, and other options.

You can call 503-777-7281 or schedule an appointment to talk about tobacco cessation.

Web and phone support

  • This web-based source provided by Oregon Health Authority provides helpful information and resources.
  • 1-800-QUIT-NOW Call or go online at  to register. They provide services such as free phone coaching, free nicotine patches and gum, as well as other types of assistance.

Mobile Apps

is a free app that helps users find peer support online, and is good for those who are cutting down on tobacco, even if they are not yet ready to quit.

includes information about steps to prepare to quit, cravings, withdrawal, slips, and staying smoke-free. It helps users understand their cravings and how to deal with them, and is great for individuals who are ready to quit.

*Read the regarding the efficacy of various clinical approaches to tobacco cessation approaches.